Cooking, Baking, & Photo-taking

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My Grocery List: Something New 1-14-11 January 15, 2011

Filed under: Meal Planning — Angie S @ 3:04 am

Hi Again!

So I am posting what I made today, today 🙂

It’s my Grocery List.  Check my Grocery List Page for Printable copies of My Grocery List and a BLANK Grocery List for your use.

What I did was made a three column Excel Spreadsheet, and I created these different sections on my document:









I went through the kitchen cabinets and searched the fridge to create a good list.  Then I put our most commonly used items under each category.  Next I thought of the meals we most often make and added the items we need to put them together.  The Meals Section is a place to list what you plan to make for how ever many days you plan on cooking in, and it’s also a good spot to list extra items needed to create each meal.

-Angie Crocker


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